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Horizon Christian Stories


Hawks Rising Funds at Work

February 15, 2022
By Marketing Team

This fall our Hawks Rising fund raising goal was $100,000. Not only did we reach our goal on Dec 6th, but we are nearing $150,000 as specific material donations and money continues to come in! We are so grateful for our awesome school community and the many ways that your love and appreciation for Horizon Christian School is expressed. This is the first update for our school community on what donations, purchases and enhancements have been made so far with your donations.                                                 

On our elementary and middle school campus we have had several specific parent donations of new carpet for the stairs in the middle school building and a new “9-Square in the Air” play structure. The kids love the 9-square game and it has greatly enhanced the fun and activity level for the middle school students at break and lunch. Special thank you to the parents who donated the supplies and equipment for these two areas.

Other enhancements include office and computer equipment, security cameras within the “D” building, and an additional part-time office/health assistant in the main office. Additionally, we have received a promised donation of 180 surplus Chromebooks from the Lake Oswego School District that will help to reduce the number of Chromebooks we had planned to purchase.

On our high school campus, we have purchased a new upgraded chapel computer to help with the tech side of our student-led chapels, new camera and photography equipment, and several upgraded computers for personnel. In our fine arts department, black accordion walls have been purchased to enhance the experience for the audience at drama performances and art shows. Also added is new curriculum and equipment to instruct art students in the creative skill of woodburning. The students are already enjoying learning this new craft and the fun that these tools have brought.

Additionally, at the high school, new boys varsity basketball uniforms were purchased and a new baseball clubhouse has been built. Coach Sumner has made some major upgrades to our baseball facilities, and we are really excited our team will finally have a clubhouse to call home.

These are just a few of the projects and enhancements that are putting your generous donations to work by, “Investing in our Students for Today and our School in the Future.”

On behalf of Horizon Christian School, we thank you for your generous support which is making such a difference in the lives or our students and staff.  

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